Yoido Full Gospel Church
Dr. Young-hoon Lee
Senior Pastor
¡°But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.¡± (Acts 1:8)
We are living in a world where this Bible verse has been almost fulfilled. This is because the gospel
of Jesus Christ proclaimed in Israel has gone from Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Oceania finally
to Asia during last two thousand years. Asia is now being spotlighted as the center of Christianity
in the 21st century. Korea is a good example for this. Not until the end of the nineteenth century, the
gospel of salvation had ever been preached in the country. However, since the first American
missionaries?Rev. Henry Appenzeller, and Rev. Horace Grant Underwood?came to Korea on the
Easter day of 1885, the Korean church has rapidly grown so that it becomes the second leading
country for sending missionaries in the world.
It is definitely the Holy Spirit that has made all these phenomena possible. The Holy Spirit is the
Spirit who oversees all the process of our mission works. When we faithfully obey our Lord¡¯s Great
Commission (Matt 28:18-20), we need to totally depend on the power of the Holy Spirit which is
well represented in the Act of the Apostles.
It is my great honor and joy to welcome you the renowned pastors from six Asian countries to the
Asian Leaders Summit 2013. I hope that you may share visions for your local and missionary work,
and your service for the Kingdom of God with your coworkers in Christ. Furthermore, my most
sincere prayer is that all of you may individually rediscover God¡¯s calling for His ministry as well as
learn from other participants in this summit. The Asian Leaders Summit 2013 will surely be a
wonderful opportunity for each of you to be refilled with the Holy Spirit, and restore the passion for
saving souls in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.